Monday, December 17, 2007

Feeling much improved

I did end up running five miles on Wednesday – go me! I think I've found my mantra as well; while I was running there were a few times when I really, really wanted to stop. At those times I found myself saying "Tough as nails" over and over again. I guess it worked.

On Thursday I almost skipped my run again. (Bad Becca!) I had a lunch date and plans after work, so my first opportunity to run was 7:30 at night. I pretty much talked myself out of running on the bus ride home. But I found that after getting inside I was on autopilot, and I changed into warm running clothes without thinking. By the time I remembered that I'd talked myself out of running, I was ready to go. Might as well go ahead with it, I figured. It was a good run, up Mt. Tabor and back down.

On Saturday I ran nine miles. Nine! Wowza! The human body is amazing. I never thought that it would be so simple, this training thing. Now I don't mean simple as in easy, because it ain't easy. But its so...straightforward. I just keep running and magically the distances I can run get longer and longer. When I was beginning this endeavor, five miles was my long run. At the end of a five miler I would think (exhaustedly) "Someday, at this point, I will be only half done," and it practically broke me. I wondered why in the name of Pete I was doing this to myself. But now I finish nine miles and I think "I can't wait until the day when, at this point, I will be only half done."


Greg On the Run said...

Good for you for getting out there. I can't run at night in my neighborhood. Too much traffic in those evening hours.

Runtime said...

WTG on the 9 miler! And running up Mt Tabor couldn't be that easy either... I used to play tennis there and Mtn bike in my younger years. Like... decades ago. =)