I'm leaving work at noon today to head up to Timothy Lake. I'm camping with a bunch of friends up there tonight, and running the marathon tomorrow! I'm supremely lucky to have such a great group of friends, who'll tramp up and down Oregon to watch me race. :-)
I'm not really nervous about the run. I went up two weeks ago and did the whole thing, to see if I could make the time cut-off. I did! And it really wasn't too bad. (If I was running, I would never do the whole course just two weeks before the real deal, but since I'm run-walk-shuffling, and it's on trails, I figured it wouldn't be too hard on my body.) I felt good even after driving the ninety minutes home, and the day after the dry run I was barely stiff at all. One interesting thing I tried on the practice run was to listen to music. I did about half the course without it, and then pulled out my iPod. It helped pass the time, for sure. I'd love to find another slowpoke to talk to during the race, but if I don't I will be plugging in ye olde ear phones.
I'm looking forward to knocking this one out and then taking a few months off to let my Achilles get all better. It's definitely on the road to better right now, but it's been flaring up now and then. Once this race is over I'm going to baby the hell out of it until the new year.