Friday, June 11, 2010

Checking In

Wow, that last post got found by the spambots. I was going to delete them all, but got bored.

Moving on. I finished the Timberline Marathon – what, nine months ago now? Yikes, time flies. During the race I was doing okay, jogging along, and then I tripped and landed awkwardly on my right leg. Nothing popped or broke, but I got a shooting pain in my knee/IT area. I hobbled along to the finish and took a long time off running. I needed a break. I'm now considering the Autumn Leaves 50K in October. No firm plans, but I'd like to try and get my act together to train for it. If I do get a schedule in place again, I'll start updating more. In the mean time, here's me getting cozy with my medal.